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Is your community, business or voluntary group interested in practical knowledge and actionable strategies for energy efficiency? We offer remote webinars designed to empower a wide range of groups with energy saving skills.

Why Choose Our Remote Webinars?

Expert Guidance

Our experienced facilitators deliver informative presentations on energy-saving principles, providing valuable insights into simple yet effective ways to reduce energy consumption and lower utility bills.

Interactive Learning

Engage your members, employees, or constituents with interactive webinars that demonstrate practical techniques for improving energy efficiency in their homes, workplaces, or community buildings. From weatherisation tips to appliance efficiency, participants will leave equipped with actionable skills they can implement immediately.

Customised Content

Tailored to the specific needs and interests of your group, our remote webinars can address a variety of topics related to energy conservation and sustainability. Whether you’re focused on reducing energy costs, meeting sustainability targets, or fostering community engagement, we can develop a webinar that meets your objectives.

Flexible Scheduling

Our remote webinars can be scheduled at a time that suits your group’s schedule, whether it’s during business hours, evenings, or weekends. This flexibility allows you to maximise participation and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to benefit from the valuable information presented.

Practical Resources

In addition to the webinar content, participants will have access to practical resources and tools to support their energy-saving efforts. This may include guides, checklists, and access to the Home Energy Saving Kit, empowering individuals and organisations to take meaningful action towards sustainability.


Key Benefits for Your Group


Equip your members, employees, or constituents with the knowledge and skills they need to create more affordable, comfortable, and sustainable environments. By fostering a culture of energy efficiency within your organisation or community, you can contribute to a brighter, more sustainable future for all.

Cost Savings

Implementing energy-saving measures can result in significant cost savings for businesses, local authorities, and voluntary organisations, freeing up resources to invest in other priorities or initiatives.

Environmental Impact

By promoting energy-saving practices, your group can play a vital role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating the effects of climate change. Inspire collective action towards a more sustainable and resilient future.


For any inquiries or additional information, please contact us at info@thinkenergy.ie



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Patricia Tobin

Communications Manager, Frugal Cities Project , Cork City Council

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