Managing your energy is just like any other life skill from household budgeting, personal finances to planning your meals. Just as there’s no one way to write a grocery shopping list that suits everyone, there’s no one way to plan energy that will work for every household.
These resources are designed to help you develop the skills and make the changes that will help you run your home in a way that’s more affordable, comfortable and sustainable.
Understanding your energy bills
Your energy bills have lots of information you can use to help you decide how best to start making savings in ways that will suit you best. See our video guide to find out how.
Help with paying bills
If you are finding it hard to pay your energy bills, help is available. Depending on your situation, you may find the right support here.
Ask the Expert Series
We’ve enlisted a team of energy experts from around the country to answer all your energy related questions. We’ve asked their advice about everything from heat pumps to home insulation, and from small changes to large investments.
Guides and workbooks
We’ve put together a range of guides, worksheets and more to help you get started. Some of these can be used on their own, and others are best used in combination with the Home Energy Saving Kit.
Grants and supports
There are different grants available to help you with the bigger energy saving projects you may be considering. Check here for quick overview of each of the various grants and links to help you find out more.
Useful links
We’ve put together this directory to help you find the energy related advice and information you need. Whether you’re looking for advice on your energy supplier, looking to develop your career, or hoping to take climate action, you’re sure to find some good information here.

100 Ways to Save Energy at Home
We’ve selected no few than one hundred ways you can save energy at home. Download your free guide today.
Energy at home
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What's in the kit?
Five tools to help you measure where energy is used in your home.
Video Tutorials
Step by step guides for each of the tools in the Home Energy Saving Kit.
Manual and Workbook
Learn how best to use each of the tools in the kit.