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Think Energy is a public-facing energy awareness campaign, which aims to boost the uptake of effective energy saving measures. The campaign centres around improving energy literacy, sharing skills and inspiring action among energy users across Ireland.

The campaign is run by Codema, Dublin’s energy agency. Codema’s aim is to accelerate Dublin’s low-carbon transition in order to mitigate the effects of climate change and improve the lives of citizens. Codema is an independent, not for profit, public good company.

Initially was conceived in 2013 as an energy awareness initiative for local authority staff in Dublin City Council’s Civic Offices at Wood Quay. Codema and DCC won the LAMA Award for ‘Best Energy Smart Initiative by a Local Authority’ in January 2015. 

Think Energy was further developed under the INTERREG IVB NWE-funded ACE (Academy of Champions for Energy) project. This included the roll out of Think Energy through Dublin City Public Libraries in order to engage with the wider public.

Further development was undertaken in collaboration with SEAI and saw the extension of the Home Energy Saving Kit to public library networks across the country. As of 2023, there are now over 580 kits in circulation through public libraries, employee interest groups and community organisations.

To learn more about this and other campaigns from Codema, please visit codema.ie

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What's in the kit?

The Home Energy Saving Kit is made up of five easy to use tools to help you measure where energy is being used in your home.

Video Tutorials

A selection of step by step videos showing how each of the tools can be used to help you start saving energy at home.

Manual and Workbook

Find detailed instructions for each of the tools, and a workbook showing how to take measurements.